
The easiest way to earn free tokens and make money. Put your token at work for you!

Stake your tokens to earn big APR while you sleep. The embedded auto-compounder feature has your back!

Flexible Staking

Stake your tokens the time you want. Harvest and withdraw at any time.

In the meantime, our auto-compounder is taking care of boosting the APR (automatically reinvesting of the earned tokens - minus a small tip, for sure)

Locked Staking

You really want to make the most out of your tokens? Then locked staking is for you. We offer higher APR compared to flexible staking. The longer you stake, the higher the APY and vice versa.

Our locked staking intervals:

  • 45 days

  • 90 days

  • 180 days

  • 360 days (1 year)

  • 720 days (2 years)

Once staked in fixed-term staking, you cannot withdraw until the end of your lock duration.

How does it work?

Unstaking & Performance Fees

Unstaking fee

  • 10%
 if you unstake (withdraw) within 48 hours (only for flexible staking)

  • This is to make sure our protocol can work best for everyone!

  • This applies within 48 hours of manually staking.

  • After 48 hours days, you can unstake with no fee.

  • The 48-hours timer resets every time you manually stake more tokens in the pool.

  • This fee only applies to manual unstaking: it does not apply to automatic compounding.

Performance fee

  • 2%, subtracted automatically from each yield harvest.

  • For example, if the harvest were 1 CRP, then 0.02 CRP would be subtracted as the performance fee.

Last updated